Benefits overview

PROTRIP-WORLD-PLUS is a combination of travel health, liability, accident and assistance insurance.

Here you will find an overview of the benefits provided by PROTRIP-WORLD-PLUS.

Travel health insurance
Outpatient medical treatment
Inpatient medical treatment including operations
Provision with medicine, dressing material, remedies and medical appliances
Dental treatment for pain relief including simple fillings as well as repair of existing dentures and dental prosthesis per case
up to €500
Medically necessary dental treatment as a result of an accident
up to €1,000
Outpatient treatment of mental illnesses
up to €1,500
Inpatient emergency treatment of first-time mental or emotional disorders
up to €20,000
Transport costs to the nearest hospital (e.g. with ambulance vehicles)
Return transport to the insured person’s place of residence in his/her home country
Transport of the insured person’s mortal remains
General deductible per insured event
Deductible for trips to the US only: in case of treatment in an emergency room; not applicable if medically necessary or in case of a resulting inpatient stay
Unlimited extension of insurance cover in case of extended stay abroad for medical reasons
Pre-existing conditions, if treatment could not be anticipated in case the trip was carried out as planned
Home country cover in case of an interruption of the stay abroad
up to 6 weeks
Liability insurance
Personal liability insurance including “professional” liability insurance for au pairs with a lump sum for personal injury and/or property damage
up to €1,000,000
Property damage to host family’s immovable property
up to €1,000,000
Damage to rented property
up to €100,000
Liability loss caused during activities as an intern
up to €10,000
Deductible in case of liability loss per claim
Accident insurance
Accidental death benefit
Disability benefit
Disability classification
Benefit in case of 100% accidental disability
Rescue costs
Plastic surgery as a result of an accident
Assistance insurance
Assistance in case of loss of means of payment
Assistance in case of loss of documents
Assistance in case of criminal prosecution
Return trip in case of an emergency
Arrival of a person in a position of trust in case of an emergency per insured event up to a maximum amount of

Do you require advice?
Your contacts:
Corporate Clients

Patricia Cürten, Nancy Kannenberg and Sandra Battocchio from our International Programs Team.

Phone: +49 2247 9194-945
Fax: +49 2247 9194-306